Sunday, April 01, 2012

Twitter, Sickipedia and the Police

A young British student has lost his appeal against his 56 day prison sentence for racist tweets following the footballer Fabrice Muamba's collapse and cardiac arrest on the pitch during a recent match.

I don't know exactly what he said. However, a quick look on the website sickipedia shows the largest collection of racist jokes devoted to Fabrice Muamba I can find on the net.

The site is owned by a British company called B3ta and boasts on it's own site that it's traffic is 80% UK based. However, the police appear to have made no effort to combat the abuse and racism that occurs on this site. Without any form of consistency of policing - it strikes me as very unfair that a student should be jailed for his inappropriate comments which he took down the next day.

Meanwhile the bankers who caused the financial crisis have largely gone unpunished and in many circumstances have been rewarded for their behaviour.

It reminds me of a poem:

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from off the goose.


Unknown said...

People just need to learn to be more tolerant in general - both racists and do-gooders alike.

Mad Tony said...

That's not the full poem.

The full one goes:

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from off the goose.

The law demands that we atone
When we take things we do not own
But leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who take things that are yours and mine.

The poor and wretched don’t escape
If they conspire the law to break;
This must be so but they endure
Those who conspire to make the law.

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
And geese will still a common lack
Till they go and steal it back.

Tony Oliver said...

The law is an ass.